To provide quality service and support, Manta Controls has partnered with other "Best Of Breed" companies. These companies are outlined below.
Precision Light and Air - Manta Controls Platinum Partner
Manta Controls and PLA have been working together for the past thirteen years.
PLA supplies the SmartDiver where Manta Controls now supplies a Modified version of the SmartDiver called the Manta Sub which is specifically designed not only for monitoring the Thickener or CCD interface levels and density profile, but also for the control and optimisation of a Thickener or CCD.
The Manta Sub and modified versions of the older SmartDivers are used as part of the Manta Thickener / CCD Cube.
If you need any further information regarding PLA, please contact;
Nic Waugh at PLA on +61 3 9786 1711 or go to their web site at